Children's - Summer Intern Application 2024

*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
*Zip/Postal Code
*Date of Birth:
*Social Security Number:
*College 1 Name:
*College 1 Dates Attended:
*College 1 Major:
*College 1 GPA:
College 1 Degree Awarded (if applicable):
College 2 Name:
College 2 Dates Attended:
College 2 Major:
College 2 GPA:
College 2 Degree Awarded (if applicable):
*High School:
*High School Graduation Year:
*High School City & State:
*Church Affiliation:
*Will you require housing this summer?:
*Will you have access to a car this summer?:
*Are you willing to work with:
*Have you ever used illegal drugs?
If yes, please explain:
*Have you ever gone through treatment for alcohol or drug abuse?
If yes, please explain:
*Have you ever been asked to step away from ministry or work with children in any setting - paid or volunteer? 
If yes, please explain:
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
If yes, please explain:
*Are you willing to be fingerprinted for a criminal background check?
*Have you ever been accused of any form of molestation or abuse?
If yes, please explain:
Your reference will be contacted by an MDPC staff member as part of the application process. Please be sure to provide accurate contact information, both phone and e-mail.
*PASTORAL REFERENCE (Ex.-Youth Pastor or Church Pastor): List name, e-mail, phone, relationship to self.
*ACADEMIC, PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE (Ex.-Teacher/Professor or someone for whom you have worked): List name, e-mail, phone, relationship to self.
*What do you want children to know about God?
*Indicate work skills, personality traits, talents or gifts that you feel will contribute to your effectiveness as a Children’s Ministries Intern.
*What do you see as one of the major issues facing children today?  How should the Church respond? 
*List the three (3) most important things in your life right now.
*What experiences have you had in the past six months that have contributed to your personal growth?
*Briefly, write your statement of faith, including your beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church:
Employer 1, Phone Number, Dates of Employment, Type of Work
Employer 2, Phone Number, Dates of Employment, Type of Work
Employer 3, Phone Number, Dates of Employment, Type of Work

I have read the MDPC Children's Ministry Summer Intern Job Description and I fully understand its requirements, salary and employment start & end dates.   In addition, by signing this form, I give Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church the authority to complete a criminal history and background check at any time and for any reason. I hereby release from liability Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and its representatives for seeking such information, and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing such information. I hereby certify that all information provided herein is true and correct.  I understand that providing false information could result in disqualification from working with children and youth.    
*Applicant Full Name: