Opportunity Details

Music: Sanctuary Choir

Do you like to sing? Have you ever sung in a choir? Consider serving in this powerful way. The MDPC Sanctuary Choir is an outstanding ensemble of voices of all ages, backgrounds, and ability levels. When you are in a choir like this one, your voice takes on new power and you will feel it immediately. Worshipping in song is powerful in itself, but in a choral context it takes on a new dimension!

Our Sanctuary Choir participates at the 11:15 AM Sunday worship service. Led by Dr. Charles Hausmann, Director of Adult Choral Music, and Kathryn White, Coordinating Music Director & Organist, the Sanctuary Choir presents hymns and inspirational choral classics both in worship services and in concerts throughout the year. There are instructive sessions to coach your vocal and musical potential.

Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Choir room.

If interested or have questions, fill out the form below or contact Tracy Curtis-Stidam or 713-490-0946

Group Member

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